Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Twin Peaks and the Flu

Hey, when it rains it pours. When I think of something to write about, I have to do it, otherwise it just doesn't get done.

About eight or nine years ago I decided to watch the Twin Peaks TV show. I hadn't watched it while it was on TV because I was in an anti-TV phase of my life. I can't remember what I did in that time. There are a few years I don't remember. Actually, I can't remember most of my life. I think that's a product of nurture, not nature. Although it could be nature too. I don't really know very much about my birthmother other than that she gave me away to strangers. Boy, I hope she's got a sense of humor--because if I ever meet her... I may inadvertently piss her off. Oops.

I was reading Nikki's blog and feeling sorry for her being sick and all--especially in the summer. Being sick and feverish in the summer is the worst! Yuck. Now, back to Twin Peaks. So, I've borrowed the entire series from a friend. And I'm sick--which probably explains why I'm watching the whole series in a couple of days. Each night I'm consumed by dreams. "Agent Cooper, you have to save Audrey." But then I had a... you know a dirty dream. There are so many attractive male actors on this series. Kiefer (don't tell Atilla's husband) Sutherland, Chris Issak, Kyle MacLachlan... But who did I dream about?? David Lynch. And I've had a crush on him ever since. A really big crush.

Until I saw a recent interview with him. I think it was a documentary about Jack Nance. Dave's teeth were black. It was disgusting. Black. Urgh. My crush is over and all those lynchian gifts the ball and chain gave me (only because he knows I'll never even meet Dave)have gone to waste. Well, I still like the BlueBob album.


Blogger Kevin Charnas said...

why the hell were his teeth black?

4:19 PM  
Blogger Nikki said...

Thanks miss keeks.

i'm sorry you're sick too.

feel better soon.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Miss Keeks said...

Oh Nikki, I'm not sick! Only when I was watching Twin Peaks.

Kevin, I'm not sure why his teeth were black. It destroyed my deep and--well, I was going to say abiding... but obviously it wasn't--love. I think Rob's bouncing candy is much better than Dave's black teeth.

5:55 PM  
Blogger Pendullum said...

Black teeth???
Black Teeth????
Imagine his breath!

Hope you're feeling better...

7:06 AM  
Blogger Miss Keeks said...

It was years ago... I'm feeling much better now!

I would imagine his breath is horrible. Although I think he's weird enough to paint his teeth black for the interview or something like that.

10:17 AM  
Blogger carmachu said...

Any good female ones?

5:22 PM  
Blogger Miss Keeks said...

I answered this, but it never appeared.

There are very few people in this world that I have an immediate negative reaction to... But lara flynn boyle (actress from twin peaks) is probably, IMHO, the second most hideous actress in the world. Rene Zellwiger being the first. I've had a deep hatred for the Boyle that only intensified after I heard that she slept with David Lynch. Of course, now that his teeth are black I'm no longer jealous. But I still hate her.

Sherilyn Fenn is pretty hot though--so are a bunch of other actresses on the show.

8:17 AM  

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